Learning the Speaker Positions with Sam and Ciera

Leader of Opposition in Opening Opposition: 

I find this speech one of the most challenging because you have to introduce the opposition argument, refute the Prime Minister, and challenge any irregularities in the model…whew!
Structurally, the Leader of Opposition (LO) is similar to the PM’s speech (many teams will have the same member give both speeches.)
Often you will agree with the general idea proposed by the government but disagree with the mechanism. For example, if the resolution was
“This house would subsidize all education”
The sentiment is to support increasing access to education. On opposition, you can agree with that sentiment, but disagree with the mechanism that for instances the government will provide a voucher program to accomplish that aim.
Ensure that you directly rebut the information from the PM.
Tips for good rebuttal:
·        Destructive material to discredit material brought by the other side
·        Attack the evidence used to support the claims (sometimes a poor strategy b/c the team can provide more evidence or attack yours...that equals a stalemate in the debate)
·        Attack the argument at the analysis level – more difficult but highly effective. Excellent technique b/c you damage the credibility of the other team.
·        Attack the idea! – the concept brought to the debate by the other team is flawed and is not true in the context of the debate…this is very challenge to do BUT is a FATAL blow to the other team.

Examples for initiating rebuttal arguments:

  • The argument is flawed
  •  There is not enough warrants to support the claim of the argument
  • The argument is insufficient compared to …. (more weighty arguments)
  • The argument lacks sufficient logic
  • The argument is factually incorrect
  • While we concede that …. Costs a lot of money, the benefits of …. Are worth it. 

Deputy Leader of the Opposition in Opening Opposition:

This position is very similar to the DPM speech. Do the same thing rebuild your partners arguments, rebut the Government arguments, and make new arguments. 
Tips for good rebuttal:
·        Destructive material to discredit material brought by the other side
·        Attack the evidence used to support the claims (sometimes a poor strategy b/c the team can provide more evidence or attack yours...that equals a stalemate in the debate)
·        Attack the argument at the analysis level – more difficult but highly effective. Excellent technique b/c you damage the credibility of the other team.
·        Attack the idea! – the concept brought to the debate by the other team is flawed and is not true in the context of the debate…this is very challenge to do BUT is a FATAL blow to the other team.


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